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brandon Your birthday August 24, 2014
Hey mom I love and miss you so much  it was a hard day having your birthday for you without you here but we all pulled together and got through it like you would want us to  I know u made it rain yesterday on your birthday and thanks for clearing it up a little bit so we could send you your balloons I know you got your balloons and I want to thank u for all you have done for me my love for you will never die I know u are looking down on me and in my head every time I make a good choice I do have a brain like u and am smart like you were you are the best you are loved more than anything in this world and I hope you had a good day up there with Baxter Zac and your dad kiss Baxter for me and have your dad give u the biggest hug and kiss ever I love and miss you and you will always be with me in my heart and my genes quick memory do you remember how we used to go eat Chinese food and go out to eat and pick on grandma and make mica and the dogs howl well just wanted to leave a bigger note than I got to on your ball on I LOVE YOU 
Tammy Utmost Condolences January 2, 2014
Shirley and family...and everyone else.
I am so saddened to learn of your loss and can't begin to imagine the feelings you must be going through. I know she loves all of you and will be with you in spirt forever. I'm thankful I got to know Cheryl and am blessed she was part of my life. I will miss her dearly. I'm thankful I got to see her just days before she was called off this earth. I'm thankful she went peacefully. I wish you all the best in such trying times and forever.
Brandon i Miss u December 30, 2013
Oh my dearest mother a month has passed and i havent put the pieces together yet i miss u so much memories of shopping and laying in your bed with u and talking to the dogs being worried you were gonna drink to much calling u everyday and u telling me you love me the two times a day that I would call you talking about everything with u me not being able to see your face for getting my GED buying u betty boop stuff although i am going to keep the collection going I miss and love u always mom kisses 
Barbara Romero All My Love December 24, 2013
Knopp family, my deepest sympathy for the loss of such a beautiful woman. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be there for you all because of circumstances beyond my control. I love you all so much and I hope as time passes your hearts will heal and you will remember Cheryl with all the many memories you have. Take care of your selves and I wish you all the best of every day. 
Love Always,
Barbara Romero 
John Knopp with deepest sympathy December 11, 2013
Aunt Shirley, Derek, Connor, Brandon, and Richard,
words cannot express the loss that you must feel this day. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with each and everyone of you in this time of sorrow but always know that God's love and our love is with you.
I love you guys.

De-de Knopp McVeigh Dear Family December 2, 2013
I am so sorry to hear of Cherry's passing, I know that she's been welcomed by Uncle Duane, my daddy Fred and my mom Vivian as well as Grandpa and Grandma Knopp. It's hard to carrying on without them, but they are watching over us, helping our hearts to heal. With love and sadness, De-de.
carol lynch condolence December 2, 2013
Mama, Derek, Connor, Brandon, Richard.....

I'm so sorry for your loss. You all were her EVERYTHING and she'll be watching over you. I believe that. I believe we'll see her again. I believe she's in a better place. I believe she's happy. And I believe she's free. We will see her again when it's time.

For now, she's our angel. The best thing she could be.
Kaily McFarland Sorely Missed December 1, 2013
My scarf princess....you always knew how to make me laugh. I always walked in hoping you were there. I couldn't wait to see which pretty blouse you were sporting, your newest hair style, latest scarf and coolest fingernail polish! Always a beautiful class act. And our dancing days, they will never be forgotten. We always had so much fun. I enjoyed visiting & laughing with you every minute. And every week you'd catch me up to date on your boys. I know they meant the world to you. I will forever treasure your friendship and memories created. Know that you were very loved & will never be forgotten. You will always have a special place in my heart. Wrap your angelic wings around your family now so they may find peace & comfort in your absence.

Until the day we meet again, my friend.....watch over & guide us.
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